
By: koyori/Denpol-P

Featuring Miku

I picked up the future that washed up on the sandy beach
To piece it together
And so, its brilliance
Cast a shadow over this place

I keep on walking without discerning why,
Grasping onto something that felt so fluttery
And somewhat daunting

After my every single breath
Turned into a sigh,
I indulged a little in the sound of the waves

Right where the blue sky ends and the night sky begins,
I was about to succumb
The blurry coral remains tinged with orange
Am I able to go on singing this song?

I stretched my hands out to the bottom of the sea
Because somebody had told me
That therein lied what I was lacking

Even if I covered my ears,
I'd still be able to overhear it,
So I locked up and shut my eyes

Drifting at the mercy of my dreams is an indelible stain I want to dilute
I was diving into the deep
Suffering, agonizing and in pain, putting the blame on somebody else
I'll just keep on sinking, unable to sing this song

I seized the wavering
Shadow from that day with my cold hands

Right where the blue sky ends and the night sky begins,
I was about to succumb
The blurry coral remains tinged with orange
For me to be singing this song...would that be alright?

If wishes went unfulfilled, a world couldn't have started
In which I had come to meet you
The Miniature Garden's Coral remains dazzled by the future
I'll show you a smile by singing this song
Translation: Luna Amatista

Switch to Sekai Version

"The Song of a Canary in Crisis" event song.

Note: The original japanese title (Hakoniwa no Coral) translates to "Miniature Garden's Coral".
