Last Score

By: SekikomiGohan

Featuring Miku

"'The bar of a lifetime' that you and I, who has a voice that never dies, spent time on. Because someday, I will convey it."

Our meeting was a coincidence, our parting is inevitable
The sky changes and your sound
Melts into the cracked keys of the keyboard
Ooh, A face full of tears doesn't fit
Your profile really that well

I'm stricken by my valuation of time
The traffic light stays red, unchanging
A small boat that is totally covered by sand
Ooh, Has been holding to my dusty dreams, even now

Even if those feelings are fake, it's alright
Play them, write them, sing them, and deliver them
Even if it's nonsensical, just lose yourself in it
And pile them up
I want to be loved, want to be loved, want to be loved, want to be loved
I wish as my big tears fell on the music score

Because I will cry with you
Until this voice withers
Because even after you abandon this voice,
I'll be waiting for you
Experiencing the past, the future, and the now that I'm grasping
Together with you, with you, with you

Because even if you unknowingly forget about my heart
And lose sight of it
The lovesorrow that we have amassed
Is proof of my existence with you
Even my dreams, my wishes, and my painful memories as well
Everything, everything, everything, I was with you

"There's nothing at all that's special about me"
You wearily muttered that
Both the bucket full of my regrets
And my longing that's covered in ashes too
Are like a summer haze that comes after the rain
And has not yet cleared, covering the future

Listening to them again and again, believing in my wavering emotions,
I string them together, weave them, and entrust them to you
My expectations are rising, my heart's throbbing
I want my first song
To leave an impression, leave an impression, leave an impression, leave an impression
On my way back home,
The palette regains its brilliant blue

Even if it's storming or I'm on the bottom of the sea if you're with me,
I let go of both my worries and anxieties, happy day! Yeah!
With no rest at all,
We'll paint the blue over the gray
We paint them and repaint them again

The memories of you illuminated
My crushed dreams
The reason why I can run without feeling down
Is because I've known love
With the first sound, I formed a bond with you
I bonded, bonded, bonded with you

The twinkling stars
Shine on exactly as bright as the history
That was told
"I wonder if my voice will do that too"
Hundreds, thousands of years, or even an eternity, in this endless life of mine
I go towards the endless light

This voice of mine will be with you
No matter where you go
I'm overturning the notion that
Our parting is inevitable
Experiencing the past, the future, and the now that I'm grasping
Together with you, with you, with you

Because even if you unknowingly forget about my heart
And lose sight of it,
The lovesorrow that we have amassed
Is proof of my existence with you
Even my dreams, my wishes, and my painful memories as well
Everything, everything, everything, every single thing
I was with you, with you, with you
Translation: Hiraethie

Winner of the ProSEKA NEXT Song Contest. There was no theme.

Note: "The bar of a lifetime" is actually a pun, combining the words for a bar (isshousetsu, or 一小節) and lifetime (isshou, or 一生).

"The love/sorrow that we have amassed"; The word being used here (Ai, or アイ) can translate as both "love" and "sorrow"

"With the first sound, I formed a bond with you"; While the actual phrase in japanese being used in this song is different, Miku's name directly translates to "First sound of the future".
