
By: Utsu-P (music, lyrics) and Yuyoyuppe (music)

Featuring Miku and Luka


Always on the outskirts of the city, all by yourself,
You were drawing the sky of the Ptolemaic Earth

The unlikely and strange scenery is
More honest than any kind of reality
"Don't you wish the world was like this,"
You laughed, with a solitary expression

When we cuddled together lonely and peacefully,
Close to that art that no one can comprehend,
The stars that only the two of us could see
Were vividly revolving
Around us

You, who wears your own heart down by trivial sorrow,
Were too gentle to draw in this world

Each time you add color to the palette,
The color of pus becomes more vivid
Each time the size of the canvas grew wider,
Your own arms felt shorter

Only the emptiness that was hopeless
And the sky of your art remain as they once were

When I cried to the point I lost my mind,
I held the art that no one can comprehend alone
The stars that only the two of us could see
Were vividly revolving
Around us
Translation: Serene_Snowfall
