By: daraku

Featuring Len

"Which one seems favorable to you?"


Bearing the punishment of waiting alone in this dark room
Those who play the victim are so simple-minded
If you're trying to curry my favor, then
Tell me a slightly better joke than that

I said that was the best of them all
I'm on the lowest level of them all
I'll be on the run until dawn breaks
Hey, what am I supposed to do?

(Hurry up!)
An alarm bell rings for a permeating existence
I see, this is my war against you
Let us celebrate our crazy youth!

Now, now, struggle for it
Search for each other's shallow love
I don't need those fleeting attachments in this place
Sing that unbeatable love
I want to make you satisfied with this illicit night
Just like what a dangerous monster does
Till our voices cease

My suggestive attitude comes on dizzyingly
Is playing the victim all you can do?
Your brain is no better than a water flea;
If you use any of it lol

Ah, just shut up already, you novice!
I would love to tear that mask off from you
I can't ever be a
Decent person until I die, not even gonna try
This disgraceful money
I sob at the end of it all

(Wow wow...)
(Rup tap tap tap)

An insane mind is something normal
Everyone who's out of their mind is normal, too
Let's celebrate the fact that this mad world is normal

Now, now, struggle for it
Expose those vicious things
To the inevitable end credits you go, there's no punchline here
Sing that futile love
That nihilistic person looked and laughed at me
I want to dance till dawn so much so that
I'm mistaken for a monster!

I just hunger for love
Even though I know that I'm a bulimic

Just like what a dangerous monster does
Till our voices cease

Let's fly at night to go meet them
The glowing neon lights welcome us
Throw your shallow thoughts down the drain
Desperate for the memories to come back
The träumerei of a changing era
A phenomenon in which people want to vanish abruptly
This life is a tightrope
Which one seems favorable to you?

(Wow wow...)
Translation: Hiraethie, with corrections from Violet

Note: The title translates to "HERESY".

"Träumerei" is German for "dreaming".
