
By: nanou

Cover featuring Nightcord at 25:00 and Luka

Someone said, once,
That everyone has a role to play in the world:
We live on, compensating for one another's incompetencies,
Complementing one another.
If that is the way things are, there must be somebody
Who can fill in the blanks of my role for me.
That "somebody"--can you hear me?

Someone told somebody else,
"This is the part you're supposed to play."
And, "These are the words of love,"
And, "Everybody lives like this".
I was so delighted to see the pleased faces they made
That I played my role desperately--
So much that I have even forgotten to breathe

Making a mess, I've sloppily thrown out my school-bag
In a dumpster within a back-alley;
Since when have I picked up the habit of checking my surroundings so warily every time I smile?

If I could have but a single wish fulfilled,
It'd be a desire to finally end this--
This joke of a play.

I have lived my entire life being in the wrong--
Now, with the collar taken off my neck,
Just where am I supposed to go?
All I've ever wanted was just a certainty of my own self;
Is this the price I have to pay for it, o, God?
This all has been too much, it's too much;

It's fine. Just...please, end this

This world is made with the irrationality of some,
And the perseverance of others.
In the end, everyone stays true, desperately, to
The ugly roles we're all pressured into playing
If that's the way things are, even my disappointment
Must bloom and bear fruit someday.
That's what I told myself when I'd believed there was a point to it all.

Who was it that taught me that praying
For this delicate wish of mine,
These innocent hopes and dreams for a brighter future, would make them all come true?

If somebody's watching me somewhere--
Please, give me a name to call me by
Because I no longer know it.

I beg and beg for the morning to never come,
Clasping my trembling palms together in a prayer,
And the morning falls nonetheless.
All I've ever wanted was just a certain future;
Is asking for that much so foolish, o, God?
Everything's void. It's all so empty.

I'm just so tired. I'm tired of breathing,
Of keeping at it.

In my desire to be loved,
To become loved, I threw myself away
Onto a stage without an audience. A voice echoed,

Sobbing, "I'm here,"
Calling out, "I beg you, notice me!"
Nobody but me heard the voice, nobody understood it,
For it was mine.

I have kept breathing my entire life while being in the wrong--
And now it has finally dawned upon me
That I no longer belong here.

All I've ever wanted was just a certainty of my own self;
As I ran away, further up ahead I found
That little light to break the curse upon me.

Now, since I am bringing this play of mine
To its end,

Open your eyes!

Translation: melanchoeddie, with corrections from Violet

Switch to Original Version

"Farewell, My Mask" event song.

Note: The title translates to "Theatre".
